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Wheelchair Hill Assist Update: The Final Push!

Hello readers! Team RLNT< here with another update on the Wheelchair Hill Assist Device!

From the work period of March 23rd - April 13th, the team has completed all of the main validations for the device. These validations include an energy reduction test on 5 users, an attachment test on the same 5 subjects, a pivot and turn test, and a water and dust ingress test on the device’s shell.

From the results received, the device is not where it should be based on the goals that the team set out, however it is a really good first prototype and shows a good trend towards success if certain design changes are made to future prototypes of the device. Figures 1, 2, and 3 shown below show some insight into the performance of the team’s device.

Figure 1: Completed Prototype Installed on Wheelchair

Figure 2: Sample Figure of Energy Reduction Test Results

Figure 3: Attachment Validation Results

Figure 4: Final Images of Dust Ingress Test

Figure 2 highlights a definite decrease in energy reduction, however, the reduction never reached 50% like the team aspired. Figure 3 shows a complete success in the attachment time being below the specification of 15 minutes and the goal of below 5 minutes. Finally, Figure 4 shows a failure in the device to be dust resistant which shows that the device would definitely not be water resistant as well.

Currently the team has no plans to make any more modifications as the final prototype is complete. However, the team recommends adding a spring loaded bearing to address the veer of the wheelchair, a general suspension system, more space for the internal electronics, possibly changing the placement location of the device on the wheelchair, changing the arm material to be out of some metal, and improving the user interface of the throttle and cruise control. The final sub-validations that the team still needs to complete are confirming the torque output of the motor hub and testing a sample of the attachment arm with a strain gauge.

Currently, the team does not have a finished draft of the final technical poster, however the team plans to meet in the upcoming week to make a final iteration of it.


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